How Long does a Boiler Install Take?

As a homeowner you may have a lot of questions regarding a boiler installation and what the process involves. Here at SES Home Services, we want to help you answer these questions, that’s why we’ve laid out this short guide to help you through the boiler installation process.

How long does a boiler install take?

As a homeowner you may have a lot of questions regarding a boiler installation and what the installation process involves. Here at SES Home Services, we wanted to help you answer these questions, that’s why we’ve laid out this short guide to help you through the boiler installation process.

Time frame for a boiler installation

While a typical installation can take four to eight hours there are numerous factors which can alter this. These factors include:

• The type of boiler being installed

• Size of boiler being installed

• Condition of properties heating system

• Condition of properties plumbing

All of these factors could potentially make an installation more complicated and are important to consider when deciding on a new boiler unit.

Contact a professional

When you’ve decided on purchasing and installing a new boiler, a great first step is to contact a Gas Safe accredited engineer. This will allow you to get an assessment of the process regarding price and time frame. Even more importantly they can identify any potential safety concerns, which is vital when dealing with gas boilers.

The engineer can also recommend what they believe to be the best type of boiler for your property, as well as potential other energy saving measures for your home.

The experience that Gas Safe engineers have should prove invaluable during the boiler installation decision and process.

Start making preparations

Once you’ve scheduled your installation appointment you can start preparing. Most of this preparation can be carried out on the day of the installation and will make the job much easier for the engineer.

Clear a path

A key bit of preparation to consider is whether or not the engineer will be able to get your new boiler in and your old boiler out. Without sufficient space the engineer will be unable to fit your boiler and you’ll have to book an appointment for another day.

To ensure this isn’t the case, clear a path from your properties entrance to where the boiler is being installed. This will help to save you and the engineer time. It also avoids the danger of potential injuries or damage from trips, falls etc.

Also make sure there isn’t any clutter or mess around your current boiler. The engineer will want a tidy and safe working space for the installation process.

Cover floor and furniture

If your boiler is being installed in close proximity to furniture or delicate flooring, we recommend covering them with dust sheets. This will make tidying up after the installation much easier.

Move valuables

If you have any valuables that could be potentially damaged during the installation process, take the extra step and move them to a safe location. During the installation process you don’t want to contend with the added stress of a broken vase.

The installation itself

For the installation process there’s not much for you to do. The engineer should carry out all steps without having to consult you till the end. The installation usually takes anywhere from two to eight hours.

The installation process can be broken down into three distinct sections:

Removing old boiler unit

Before beginning to fit your new and improved boiler unit, the engineer has to firstly remove your old unit. Depending on the location of your old boiler, the engineer may also have to remove some pipework too.

Engineers usually give you the option of keeping your old unit or taking it away for scrap once they have removed it. If you aren’t sure if this is the case with your installation, make sure to check.  

New boiler unit installation

Once the old boiler unit has been removed the engineer can begin installing the new unit. This usually doesn’t take as long as the removal of the old unit. The engineer may have to lay some additional pipework, but this is uncommon.

New boiler run-through

After everything is installed and packed away, the engineer should give you a run-thru of your new unit and system.

This should include a safety overview, how to control your unit, features of the boiler and how to setup a timed heating schedule. From here you should be ready to go with your new boiler.

Enjoying your warm home

With the installation finished you should now be all set up to enjoy the benefits of your new boiler unit. Of course, it’s important to look out for any potential issues when a new unit is fitted, but in most situations your installation should be carried out with no additional stress.

For more information on central heating systems head to our knowledge hub here.

If you’re still struggling to choose your ideal boiler or don't know where to start, click here.

Check out our current boiler installation offer with 10 year warranty or give us a call and we will be happy to advise and help you.

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